Office of Research

Core Facilities & Research Services

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Core Facilities provide state-of-the-art equipment and services to researchers at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, other universities, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and industry. These facilities make use of highly specialized scientific equipment, diagnostic tools, adaptable prototyping processes and mechanical production shops. For a listing of those units managed by the Office of Research, visit this page.

Two researchers in a lab

A safe, secure, state-of-the-art facility that enables scientists to study infectious microorganisms, parasites and toxins in an environment that is safe for researchers, animals and the public. One of the most technologically advanced biocontainment facilities in the United States, dedicated to studying infectious diseases that affect both animal and human health.


Maintains an array of equipment to speed the pace of research, development and manufacturing. Areas of expertise include molecular biology, fermentation, protein purification, high-containment cell culture and monoclonal antibodies.


A multi-imaging suite designed to provide a full range of biological tissue imaging technologies, including a large-bore 3T scanner, a small-bore 7T scanner, an MR acclimation setup and a research and development team. The electrophysiology suite houses multiple functional brain imaging technologies such as dense array EEG and an integrated MEG/EEG system. Basic phlebotomy service is also available.


Houses state-of-the-art deconvolution, confocal, super-resolution and light sheet fluorescence microscope systems useful for multiple applications, including live-cell imaging, high content analysis and examination of fixed and immunolabeled cell and tissue samples. The facility provides expertise, training and assistance to researchers who work on different model organisms.


Offers analytical services for structural characterization of polysaccharides, proteins and glycolipids derived from animal, plant or microbial origin. Includes state-of the-art mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy to determine molecular structures of carbohydrates and proteins and to investigate protein-carbohydrate interactions. Also offers hands-on training courses analytical techniques used to study complex carbohydrates.


Provides accelerator-based radiocarbon measurements and stable isotope, X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses. The center has an established reputation as a pioneer in development and application of analytical techniques, as a premier analytical laboratory, and as a technical training center.


Supports investigators conducting clinical and translational studies that advance the understanding, prevention and treatment of human disease. For students and health sciences trainees, the unit provides opportunities to learn how laboratory discoveries are translated into improved patient outcomes.


Provides expert diagnostic and research pathology services to investigators using laboratory animals. Gross pathology, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, clinical pathology services and phenotyping of genetically modified animals. Genetically modified mouse lines are available for cancer research.

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases flow cytometer

Provides researchers at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ and across the scientific community with access to state-of-the-art flow cytometry analyzers, Luminex multiplexing instruments, an imaging flow cytometer and flow cytometry cell sorters. Also provides expert advice and consultation for the design and analysis of flow experiments.

Food Production Facility

Facilitates commercialization of consumer-accepted food products by working with companies to develop new products efficiently and economically. Forms strategic alliances with external marketing, technology and engineering groups to help companies take
a new food product from conception through consumer research, formulation, prototyping, shelf-life analysis and market launch.


Provides high-performance computing and networking infrastructure; a comprehensive collection of scientific, engineering and business applications; and consulting and training services. GACRC specializes in Linux/UNIX system administration, storage administration, computational computing, virtualization and database administration.

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Electron Microscopy

Provides application of electron microscopy and related analytical methods for diverse research areas including biology, biomedical sciences, plant biology, geology, chemistry, textiles, archaeology, engineering, physics and nanotechnology/materials analysis.


Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ’s core laboratory for nucleic acid sequencing and bioinformatics. Services encompass the range of genomic techniques, applications and sequencing technologies, as well as bioinformatics consultation on experimental design, selection of the appropriate sequencing platforms, and bioinformatics analyses.


Designs, fabricates, repairs or modifies new or existing equipment and machinery.


A 2,200-square-foot (Phase I) Class 100/1,000 part and a 1,000-square-foot (Phase II) Class 10,000 part. This is a multidisciplinary, nanotechnology-focused fabrication, characterization and manipulation facility.

test tube

Equipped with a ThermoScientific Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer for high-resolution and high-mass accuracy analysis; nano HPLC to analyze more complex protein mixtures; and a Bruker Autoflex MALDI for quick analysis of tryptic digests of pure proteins in solution or via in-gel digestion. An in-house version of Mascot for protein identification using researches proprietary or unique databases is available. Facility has other mass spectrometers for sample analysis.


Creates a variety of standard and one-of-a-kind glass items and modifies commercial glassware.


Provides statistical consultation and collaboration. The SCC’s faculty and students provide expert statistical assistance in all stages of quantitative research, from proposal and study design through programming and interpretation of results.

Survey Research Center

A nationally recognized polling operation with a primary focus on the state of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ. Conducts both live-interviewer surveys and online polls. In addition to conducting its own statewide polls relating to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ politics and policy, also performs contract work for academic researchers, corporations, non-profits and state and local government entities.

Black rat in a researcher's hand with a white latex glove on.

Supports Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ’s missions of research, education and service by providing appropriate husbandry, handling and veterinary care of laboratory animals through animal facility management, professional and technical assistance, training, and consultation.

GRA Partner Core Facilities

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ faculty also have access to other Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ universities’ core facilities through the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Research Alliance at the same cost and terms offered to the participating institution’s faculty. Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Core Exchange member institutions include:

  • Augusta University
  • Clark Atlanta University
  • Emory University
  • Mercer University
  • Morehouse School of Medicine
  • Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Institute of Technology
  • Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ State University